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Will Gides be the Social Media Platform of 2021?
Will Gides be the social media platform of 2021? Over time, social media platforms have been used widely in digital marketing. Various platforms go hand-in-hand with digital marketing campaigns and strategies. However, these platforms are far from being static, and current ways of use with your marketing may not provide the same results down the […]
10 Tips for Building a Great Social Media Presence
Find customers and grow with solid social media marketing. Here are 10 insightful tips to help build a great social media presence.
5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Marketing for Mobile
Currently, a whopping 96% of people in the United States have a mobile phone, with 81% owning a smartphone. In terms of what consumers are using their mobile phones for, the driving force is clearly to access their social media platforms. Users are spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on […]
Three Ways You Can Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – with most people having at least one social media account, social media has a huge influence on daily lives. Businesses are now harnessing the power of social media as an impactful and potentially low-cost way of marketing their services and products. The potential reach of your marketing is huge. For example, […]
How to Find the Right Social Media Influencers for your Brand
The power of social media has never been more apparent, with the top social media influencers being able to reach and connect with millions of fans across several different platforms. Take PewDiePie, for instance, a Swedish social influencer with 119.8 million followers and a YouTube subscriber base of 80.6 million (the most followed YouTuber in […]
10 Social Media Marketing Best Practices to Follow
Social media has dominated the marketing industry for nearly two decades. Over 91% brands and businesses have social media accounts. It’s a cornerstone of every digital marketing strategy. There’s no doubt that social media is still relevant. However, like most marketing methods, social media marketing goes stale pretty quickly. You have to update your strategies as soon […]
How to Keep on Top of Social Media Marketing in the New Decade
Social media marketing is ever-changing and fluid. It never stays still for a second. As soon as you have caught up with the latest trend it has become archaic and your marketing strategy a relic of social media past. It is difficult to stay on top of such a fast-paced element of marketing. Gone are […]
Why Should You Use Social Media in Your Business?
Social media started as something that people could use to keep in touch with friends and family and to make their views known. It soon evolved into something that businesses could use to help with their marketing efforts. More and more businesses have seen how potentially useful social media can be, and they are building […]
8 Tips for High Engagement Social Media Videos
Social media videos get 5 times engagement over other types of posts. Put effort into creating video content with these tips to create high-quality videos.
4 Tips to Amplify Your Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a critical part of your digital marketing strategy these days; ignoring the power, reach, and influence of the various social medial platforms currently demanding the attention of your target audience is a missed opportunity to connect with potential customers. Just as with all of your marketing activities, on and offline, you […]