4 Tips to Amplify Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a critical part of your digital marketing strategy these days; ignoring the power, reach, and influence of the various social medial platforms currently demanding the attention of your target audience is a missed opportunity to connect with potential customers. Just as with all of your marketing activities, on and offline, you need to develop a strategy for your social media marketing that is return on investment (ROI) driven and focused on the metrics that correlate most highly with your digital marketing success. Especially, when it comes to growing your Facebook, Instagram or TikTok followers. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at four ways you can bolster that plan and win at social media.

1.  Determine what you’re trying to achieve

Measuring your success is a very important (and pleasurable) task as it allows you to see what is working well for you, what campaigns or tactics might be underperforming and informs what you do next. Unless you have clearly defined the metrics that measure what winning looks like for you then you may not be analyzing the most actionable data. Simply growing a following, updating your social media feeds and measuring how many likes you get might not be the most valuable way to measure your work; think about what sort of audience profile you want to attract, who are your industry influencers: are you attracting them? Do you want to prioritize reach or become a topic authority? Are you looking for a bigger social media audience or more traffic to your website? Understanding what you want to achieve will help you make more strategic and effective decisions

2. Content is still king

The most effective way to win the social media game is to make sure that you are posting and sharing the kind of content that your target audience will genuinely find useful and informative. What you had for tea, your political leanings and that self-congratulatory ‘about you’ copy will not engender any engagement. People share things that they find useful, emotive or are entertained by, so focus your time and effort on generating a content strategy designed to garner engagement, appeal to advocates and inspire the influencers.

Bonus tip: A good content strategy is going to fill up your data banks in no time. Don’t forget to protect all that intellectual property with a solid data recovery plan. The team at Secure Data Recovery is a great example of a service you can trust.

3. First impressions count; audit those profiles

You don’t want to confuse your audience and especially potential customers with an incoherent and disjointed experience as they navigate across your social media network, explore your website, and perhaps even visit your store. It’s important that your brand, voice, and the culture of your company carry across all your digital shop windows to ensure the best experience for your visitors. Also, make sure that all your information is consistently up to date and complete, especially all the ways they might interact with or contact you.

4. Use social media PPC to boost your efforts

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn amongst others all have their own paid advertising options that allow you to invest in a little boost to your content. Conversion rates tend to be a lot higher than broader PPC platforms like Google AdWords, and as social media platforms have matured, generating larger audiences and more sophisticated ways of targeting very specific demographics, you can expect to find it much easier to get your message in front of the right folks.