Events Archives

The ROI of Remembering: Why Birthday Emails Matter in Marketing
To survive the ever-changing business landscape, you need strategies to create a community of loyal customers. There are several popular ways to achieve that, but one particular strategy that many businesses overlook is birthday emails. Did you know sending a personalized birthday message can connect you to customers? Hence, this article highlights the impact of […]

4 Benefits of Using Presentation Software
Students, teachers, and business professionals know how time-consuming it is to create presentation slides. Significant creative thought goes into designing presentations and making them look sleek and professional. Manually making presentations could take all day, depending on the length of your presentation, and many faculty members or business professionals don’t have that luxury. Thankfully, many […]

Adapt & Evolve: 5 Steps to Follow When Pivoting Your Business
Adaptability is the key to survival and growth in the ever-changing modern world. When circumstances demand a change of direction, your ability to adapt will help you pivot your business strategy and evolve in a fruitful way. Whether due to market shifts, technological advancements, or unforeseen challenges, knowing how to pivot effectively can be the […]

Social Media for Business Workshop Events
For Lancaster County, PA and surrounding area businesses! Join Mike Gingerich for a powerfully, practical 90 minutes on Social Media for Business marketing at the Candy Factory Co-Working offices in downtown Lancaster. Multiple events, dates, and times. See current list below! Is your business unsure of how to best use Social Media for business marketing? Knowing […]

Social Media for Business Workshop October 31
For Lancaster County, PA and surrounding area business persons! Join Mike for a morning of Social Media for Business marketing learning at the Candy Factory Co-Working offices in downtown Lancaster. Is your business unsure of how to best use Social Media for business marketing? Knowing that social media evolves and changes often, is your team up-to-date […]

Tea and Social Media for Business October 17
For Lancaster County, PA and surrounding area business persons! Join us for a evening of tea and business marketing learning at, the Tea and Social Media for Business event at the Spice and Tea Exchange in downtown Lancaster. Is your business unsure of how to best use Social Media for business marketing? Knowing that social […]

Online Social Media for Business Workshop
Practical and informative online workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Want to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble keeping up with the latest social media marketing updates and best practices? All this […]

Fort Wayne Social Media for Business Workshop
Practical, tactical, and empowering workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Want to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble keeping up with the latest social media marketing updates and best practices? All this […]

Digging Into Google Analytics Workshop @ The Goshen Chamber
Join Mike Gingerich and Joe Mehl at the Goshen Chamber of Commerce University Workshop… “DIGGING INTO GOOGLE ANALYTICS WORKSHOP” Together we’ll cover the in’s and out’s of Google Analytics and how it can be used by businesses to help understand your website traffic and how understanding that traffic can help grow your business! At the Google […]

Elevate Your Online Marketing: Using Facebook and Your Website to Increase Traffic and Leads
In person workshop – Elevate Your Online Marketing The web changes quickly! What was relevant 2 years ago can be old today. Businesses need to stay current if they want to succeed online. Today one of the leaders on social media for business is Facebook. Every major buyer demographic is spending significant time on Facebook every […]