Infographics Archives

4 Benefits of Using Presentation Software
Students, teachers, and business professionals know how time-consuming it is to create presentation slides. Significant creative thought goes into designing presentations and making them look sleek and professional. Manually making presentations could take all day, depending on the length of your presentation, and many faculty members or business professionals don’t have that luxury. Thankfully, many […]

From Amateur to Artist: How Photo Apps Are Redefining Artistry
Evolution of Mobile Photo Editing Apps From Basic Filters to Advanced Tools In the early days of mobile photo editing, apps typically offered basic filters that might enhance colors or apply simple effects such as sepia or grayscale. Users could adjust the brightness, contrast, and crop their images, but the functionality continued further. Fast forward […]

Transforming Data Science Information into Strategic Gold
In today’s data-driven world, businesses are sitting on a treasure trove of information that can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge and make informed strategic decisions. This goldmine of data is often harnessed through the field of data science, where complex data is transformed into actionable insights. This blog post will explore how data […]

5 Reasons Why Quality Video Marketing is Essential for Any Business
Sit down and ask yourself whether you’d rather read a 10,000-word article on “How to Protect Your Home from Pests” or watch a 3-minute video covering the same content. If you’re more drawn toward the video, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, TechSmith collected data in 2021 on video habits and found that 83% of […]

8 Easy Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website
Thanks to our friends over at Red Web Design for this helpful graphic! Avoid Excessive Advertising Ads can be a helpful monetizing tool, but too many are annoying! Make Your Website Lightning-Fast Many users are impatient and will leave if delayed. Reduce image sizes, use a caching plugin, and keep code clear of unnecessary […]

Creating Content That Gets Shared
Content that gets a lot of backlinks is content that draws in many people. But what makes content interesting in the first place? Consider these seven factors: Original — If it’s never been seen before, then people are bound to find it interesting. Informative — No one likes fluff. Content that shares important information […]

What You Need To Do Before You Share On Social Media
Social media is a very popular marketing tool. It’s an easy and fun way to connect with consumers, but use caution and think before you post and share on social media. Small errors make you look unprofessional. Here are some quick tips to help you stay out of trouble: Read the articles before posting and make […]

How to Write the Best Article Headlines
Believe it or not, the title or headline of your article is the most important part. Did you know that out of all the people who read your headline, only 20% will click through and read the article? That number increases and decreases depending on how compelling your headline is. Check out this great […]

Social Media Updates: The Perfect Length
I don’t know about you, but I like to get the most benefit from the time I spend on social media. So when I found this infographic I was very pleased. It spells out the length of ideal social media update on just about every type of social media, with a couple of extra’s thrown […]

Visuals Make Your Content Marketing Memorable and Compelling
Now a days everyone is short on time, visual content allows people to quickly look over an article and decide if it’s worth a read. Because visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text content that use visuals get 94% more views. According to HubSpot’s social-media scientist Dan Zarrella, “Tweets with images are 94% more likely […]