Mobile Archives

Why financial businesses need a banking app

Why financial businesses need a banking app

Today’s world of technology and finance is ever evolving. Therefore, financial businesses must adapt quickly to this digital era if they hope to survive the fiercely competitive financial sector. A banking app has long since become essential to success. Here’s why. To enhance customer experience Customers expect more from banking apps in today’s digital era, not only […]

Stay Connected With a Mobile Hotspot Device

This article provides an overview of mobile hotspot devices, focusing on their key features and benefits, as well as the process of setting up and maximizing their performance. The aim is to inform readers about the functionality and advantages of these devices without personal bias. By adopting an academic style that avoids personal pronouns and […]
4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Mobile App

4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Mobile App

In today’s fast-paced world, where the competition is fierce and the attention span of customers is shorter than ever, having a mobile app for your business can be a game-changer. A mobile app can offer your customers a convenient and personalized experience that will make them want to return for more. With a well-designed mobile […]
Making Your Business Mobile Friendly

The Importance of Making Your Business Mobile Friendly

When it gets to this time of year, we start to look back on how things have panned out for us. What with the leap into 2020, it’s worth looking back over the past decade. One of the biggest changes for businesses this decade has come with mobile technology. Once upon a time it used […]
Mobile Friendly

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

According to Google, more than 40% of online transactions are performed on a mobile device. Any company wanting to grow their customer base and revenue would, therefore, be smart to optimize their site for an Android device. If you want to improve your sales and generate repeat business in 2019 and beyond, find out how […]
Advanced Map Feature Website_

Advanced Map Feature Website:

Hydro-Action, currently based in Indiana, has been manufacturing water treatment units since 1988. Now with a new website, the company can showcase their service to a wider audience. is designed to highlight the company. In addition, the site offers functionality for customers, potential dealers, and Hydro-Action. With a natural flow, is quick to […]
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How Mobile Internet Use Impacts Lead Capture on Websites

Increasingly, internet browsing happens on the small screen. Mobile devices are now considered the most popular vehicle for browsing the internet, surpassing desktop web browsing use. This means that it is likely that the first contact prospective buyers have with your site will be facilitated by a mobile device. This growing tide of mobile users […]
's New Pixel Phone will do for Mobile SEO - 315

What Google’s New Pixel Phone will do for Mobile SEO

Google’s new voice search platform, Google assistant, is an integral part of the new Google Pixel. Learn how voice search is leading the evolution in mobile SEO. Google made a big splash recently with their new smartphone announcement, the Google Pixel. It’s Google’s first foray into the smartphone market since the introduction of their Nexus […]
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Google Search Goes Mobile First

Accessing the internet on mobile devices has officially overtaken desktop access. Not quite sure if this matters? Take a look at the latest big search change from Google. The search engine giant announced it would release a mobile search separate from its desktop search. Indexing a site is the process of scanning a website to […]

Recent SEO Updates

. With Google constantly changing what it wants and expects from website owners, it’s hard to keep up to help your site rank well in searches. Google is also extremely secretive about its updates (to help prevent Black Hat SEOs from gaming the system), which makes it even more challenging to know what to do […]