Content Marketing Tools: Why You Need Them


Many businesses now consider paid advertising a reliable method for acquiring customers. Ads have helped businesses grow their customer base, increase customer value, and reduce cart abandonment. However, while paid advertising worked a few years ago, today, it has become a bit more challenging with the competition to be seen by competitor also using paid ads and how people are responding to ads. 

According to a recent survey by business insider, approximately 200 million people in the year 2015 were using ad blockers. Today, over 615 million devices have ad blockers. This means that 11 percent of the entire internet population is blocking ads. Although this improves customer experience, it is not helpful for brands that depend solely on paid ads to reach their target clients.

How can you reach your clients? It’s best to use a 2-pronged approach of paid ads and SEO of your content. In this post, we’ll focus on the latter and introduce you further to the value of content marketing.

Content Marketing Explained

You have most likely heard the phrase “content is king.” Through content marketing, you can build trust, cultivate customer loyalty, and generate leads. Content is king because it is the new norm from the consumers’ side. Content marketing is helping change what consumers expect from the brands they interact with. Therefore, ignoring content marketing is riskier than investing in it.

The demand for excellent content by readers continues to rise. Because of this, you should be using various content marketing tools, including:

  • Website analytics tools
  • Social media analytics tools
  • Research tools
  • Optimization tools
  • Email marketing tools
  • Blogging and CMS tools

Importance of Content Marketing Tools

Contrary to common belief, content marketing doesn’t just involve framing what and how to write. Apart from creating engaging, interesting, and precise content, you will also need to make sure that it is reaching your target consumers and that they share it through various social media platforms. Simply put, content marketing is an uphill task, but by using the right content marketing tools you can automate most of the tasks, and you will also get useful insights to create content that continues to work for your business. Other benefits of using content marketing tools include:

Increased brand affinity

One of the main benefits of using content marketing tools is having increased brand affinity, which prompts your passionate customers to share the values of your company. Clients with high brand affinity are into your company or brand in a serious way. They already love your product and will frequently tell their friends and relatives about how great your company is. Such individuals will vouch for your products without you coercing them.

Expose your business to a larger audience

When you create quality and unique content, your audience will likely share it. Plus after you upload your unique articles, they will serve your website traffic for months without any additional costs. Keep in mind that every share puts your content and brand in front of an ever-growing audience. Can you compare this to paid advertising? Through paid advertising, your reach will dry up immediately after the campaign stops running. In contrast, link building and creating excellent content is a tried-and-tested method to boosting the traffic your website receives. If you need extra help in utilising this technique, why not contact the experts at SEO Ibérica?

Improve your trust with clients

How can you motivate your customers to purchase more from you? How can you make them stay with you longer? You will have to nurture clients and leads. According to Marketo, businesses that have excelled at lead nurturing invest approximately a third less on marketing and acquisition costs while generating over 50 percent more leads. These conversions spend more. In fact, well-nurtured customers are estimated to make 47 percent larger purchases than all other customers.

Next Steps for your Business Content Marketing

It’s time to consider blog libraries; having blog and video tutorials on your site and using social media to make people aware of this great content! Regardless of the size of your business, you can greatly benefit from using the right content marketing tools. Contact us today to discuss further!