Facebook Ads: Now Offering Friends of Connections Targeting

Just saw this news from Facebook….

They announced today, “Friends of connections Ad targeting.”

“Friends of connection” targeting is now available for Facebook Ads. Expand your audience reach by delivering your ads to the friends of people already connected with your Facebook Page, Application, Group or Event.

In addition to harnessing the social graph by targeting your connections’ friends, every “Friends of connection” targeted ad promoting a Facebook Page or Event includes social content about a friend’s interaction with your business, amplifying the relevancy of your ad. Let’s take a look at an example. Annie is a fan of the Etsy Page. When Etsy wants to promote their Facebook Page, they can choose to target an ad to Annie’s friends by selecting the “Friends of connection” filter.  Annie’s friends will receive the Etsy ad with the following sentence: “Annie Ta is a fan of this Page.” Annie’s friends are naturally more interested because Annie’s interaction with Etsy is showcased directly in the ad.

To take advantage of this targeting capability, simply look for the “Friends of connections: Target users whose friends are connected to:” field in the ad targeting interface.

As you begin to type the name of your Facebook Page, Application, Group or Event in the field, the names of eligible content that you manage on Facebook will appear in the type-ahead. You must be an admin of the Page, Application, Group or Event.  It’s not currently possible to target users who have connections with Facebook content for which you are not an admin.

If all of this “technical detail” is too much for you but you want to target market on Facebook, contact Digital Hill to discuss our Facebook Advertising Management Services!