Types of Evaluations For An Effective Training Program

Types of Evaluations For An Effective Training Program

There is a goal we want to achieve for which we take a path/journey. The goal is very important, equally important is the journey and the path taken to achieve this goal. If we take the wrong path or choose the wrong kind of travel mode, we may miss our goal and the whole effort goes waste.

While we are on the journey of achieving this goal, we need to assess and evaluate every step to ensure that we are on the right track. The same goes for training programs as well. You need to evaluate the training program to check the trainee is getting benefits from the program. Whether the objectives of the training, business needs, and goals are being met.

As there are different goals for every training program, evaluations should be done accordingly. Consider using different methods of evaluation for different programs. To choose the right method of evaluating an effective training program, you need to know what are the different types of evaluations. They are:

  • Formative Evaluation

As the name suggests, The program needs an evaluation at the time of formation or creation. This is applicable in both scenarios, when the new training program is complete or when altering the existing one. Evaluating and correcting at an early stage of formation keeps the target audience in mind. Do this by running through the demo training with a colleague or the subject matter expert. Inputs received from subject matter experts are normally based on the subject and the team psyche as he gets to meet the team on daily basis.

  • Summative Evaluation

As the name, the evaluation should be done when completing the training program. Taking feedback and evaluating every module is also a good option and can give you a better step-wise insight into the overall program. By running through the quizzes, questionnaires, surveys, interviews, assessments are the tools to perform the summative evaluation.

  • Process Evaluation

Undergoing training is not sufficient unless its activities are not implemented in the required process as was desired. An effective training program will include process-related activities to timely correct the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the process. You can perform the evaluation post-training completion to assess and evaluate the goals and achievements.

  • Outcome Evaluation

On completion of the long activity of completing the training program, it is crucial to evaluate the objective requirements that employees achieve. Simply put, if the outcome/result of the training program is in line with the objective of the training program. Whether the outcome is short-term or it is going to stay for a longer period of time.

  • Impact Evaluation

What is the impact of the training program on your business goals? This is what this type of evaluation helps you to assess. This can include economical factors and the strategic goals as per the department. Or, the role of the trainee. In other words, you can assess the direct impact of the training on business goals.


Evaluating a trainee and the training program is essential for its effectiveness. By using different tools, technologies, and methodologies, you can ensure to get the impactful training courses rolled out by your team. Along with software for tracking employee training programs, it is equally important to keep evaluating and re-evaluating your own work to improve. Also, to create an impactful, effective training program with the outcome you desire, you must evaluate it. It is important to evaluate the work at every stage from formation to delivery to the outcome to impact.