Website for Historic Knowledge and Education

Website for Historic Knowledge and Education show on desktop and iPad.

Non-profit websites can be challenging to display, deploy and run. This is because they have various unique needs, especially as they are not selling a product. Furthermore, the aim of these websites is often to educate and inform visitors. Digital Hill recently created a historical knowledge and education website for the Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group. Below are some of the essential features in use on the functional, informative, and dynamic website.

WordPress CMS Base

Having an effective and reliable content management system is crucial to any well-run website. The front end and back end both need to be user-friendly and easy to use. Using WordPress ensures that the Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group administrator team can add updates, images, and more with ease. Better yet, WordPress uses open-source software, which allows for complete customization through plugins. Finally, WordPress offers automated updates to ensure the website is always up-to-date and secure.

User-Friendly Navigation

Having a clear, easy-to-use website was an important consideration for the Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group. As a non-profit, having an informative yet easy-to-navigate website is crucial to encourage donations. The homepage uses an eye-catching banner image and a simple menu layout to drive traffic. All the information a first-time visitor needs is clearly visible on the homepage, from educational resources to contact information.

The simple menu bar is clear and concise, with a search bar above. Users can either select the topic they wish to learn more about or search for it in the search bar.

Donation Page

As a non-profit organization, Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group rely on donations. Thus, having a way for website visitors to donate funds was another important consideration. On the donations page, there is ample information about the financial account committee and instructions on how best to donate. Finally, there is a call to action link to the donations page and information for those who wish to donate via check instead.

Educational Resources

Part of the Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group’s goals is to educate website and trail visitors about the historic significance of the trail. On the website homepage, visitors can find information regarding:

  • Trail Maps – This section shows how the original trail overlays on modern-day maps. More maps are being added as the group continues to work on uncovering the trail.
  • Historic Trade Route – This section covers how the trade route worked and how it provided essential links between indigenous communities and other trails across the region.
  • Indigenous History – This section looks at the culture and history of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and includes a link to a virtual tour of their museum. It also covers the history of the Potawatomi tribe and the hardships they endured.
  • Potawatomi and Miami People Today – This section highlights modern-day resources for website visitors to learn more about the vibrant and rich culture of this area.

As a non-profit organization operating in the modern world, having a reliable and well-designed website is a must to secure funding and educate visitors. The new Potawatomi and Miami Trail Marker Group website offers everything the organization needs to attract visitors to the area and encourage financial contributions from anywhere in the world.

To discuss your website needs and goals, contact the team at Digital Hill today.