Your Guide to Cyber Security for Your Online Business

Cyber Security for Online Business

Running an online business offers an array of benefits including being able to work wherever you want, and being incredibly adaptable in a competitive marketplace. There can be setbacks though, and when running an online business being mindful of cyber security for your business is essential. Whether you’re thinking about starting an online business or you’re already running your own, here are some cybersecurity tips for staying protected.

Is Your SSL Certificate Up To Date?

Having an up-to-date SSL certificate is one of the most important elements to making sure your online business is secure. An SSL certificate creates a secure connection between your server and your users, meaning that any sensitive or personal information shared is done securely. Essentially, having an SSL certificate makes it safe for your users to shop on your website. On top of this, it will clearly show in the browser window if your site is secure and users have come to expect to see this. If yours isn’t visible, then visitors might well choose to leave your website and continue their shopping elsewhere.

Is Your Business Compliant with Data Protection?

New rules and regulations will soon come into force in California for businesses that capture customer data — in the UK/EU they recently implemented GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). The new rules are essentially aimed towards giving consumers greater control over their data and the way it’s used. Being aware of these new rules has an impact on the security of your website because if managed incorrectly, stored data can now land businesses into big trouble. Taking the time to make sure you’re up to speed with changing rules around consumer data will play a pivotal role in the security of your online business.

Is Your Machine Regularly Updated?

No matter what your preferred operating system is — whether it’s Mac, Windows or the lesser-known Linux — regularly installing updates and keeping your software fresh is one of the best ways to keep your machine secure. The longer a piece of software has been in the public domain, the longer hackers have had to crack it. This is particularly true for web-based applications, where PHP vulnerabilities can be a significant risk. Utilizing a PHP vulnerability scanner is essential to identify and address these risks promptly, ensuring your systems remain secure against potential attacks. Simply put, outdated software leaves your computer vulnerable to attack from cybercriminals. Simply put, outdated software leaves your computer vulnerable to attack from cyber criminals. Because viruses often times stem initially from dodgy sites, another tip is to make use of browsers like Chrome and Firefox that receive regular automatic updates. Alternatively, speak to the experts at and find out more about their comprehensive range of online security options.

Stay Safe Online Wherever You Work

One of the perks of running your own online business is that you can work remotely. This can cause issues though from an online security perspective and there are certain steps to follow in order to stay safe. If you regularly work from a co-working space, then make sure to keep your work computer locked away when unattended, and be sure to password-protect important files and documents. Using a password generator is a good way to make sure that even if your confidential details were to fall into the wrong hands, your passwords for important files would be next to impossible to crack.

Use these tips to increase the cyber security for your online business and stay protected.