Promote your Business with Instagram Stories Videos


44% of small businesses depend on digital marketing, primarily social media, for creating brand awareness. Digital marketing has so far exhibited great potential, and this has led to most businesses reducing traditional analog marketing strategies. Marketers are now taking a new direction by using social media marketing, and particularly today using video.

Instagram Stories Videos, for instance, have helped many small businesses gain traction in their marketing campaigns.

Why You Should Be Using Instagram Stories Videos to Promote Your Business

Here are the ways Instagram Stories can benefit your business and help create brand awareness.

1. Better Visibility

Instagram Stories will keep your brand top of mind and visible for 24 hours in the #1 growing area of time spent on Instagram. Because the platform has many users, your posts may often get overlapped by new posts. By the time your audience is online, the posts will quite often be inaccessible on the feed unless the visitor clicks on your handle, while Stories stay at the top of the app.

As noted, Instagram Stories stay at the top of your feed. Users coming online at different times of the day can see your posts and engage directly.

2. Better Engagement with Stories

Videos generate 12 times more shares than text content. Consumers want content that is real and relevant to a particular time. Instagram Stories allow you to connect with your target audience in real-time. This helps to create transparency and increases the credibility of your brand. Connecting on a deeper level with your customers increases brand loyalty.

3. High Traffic

Businesses go for social media marketing to take advantage of the high traffic on the platform. Instagram boasts over 300 million active users. This is a ready market that you could take advantage of to create brand awareness, generate leads, and make conversions.
Finding the right audience segment of that 300 million is possible through targeted posting with hashtags and finding and engaging with your ideal audience. Instagram Stories help you to remain at the top of the mind of customers and reach out to quality traffic in real-time.

How to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business

Here is how you can take advantage of Instagram Stories to grow your brand.

• Use Polls

Use polls in Instagram stories to boost engagement. In the polls, your audience can ask questions and express the challenges they are facing with your products. Through the polls, you can get the insights you need to come up with better marketing strategies. You can also get suggestions on how you can improve your products and services.

Ask for opinions on your products, preference for communication, and even topics for your blog posts. Let your audience take part in decision making for your campaigns and products, consumers love to be involved with their favorite brands.

• Use Instagram Stories to Let Your Audience Know About Offers

People love to participate in activities where they get prizes. Use Instagram stories to hold live contests where the participants get rewards. Flash sales and offers will make your audience more interested in your products. If they are impressed, they can share with friends that may be interested in your products.

Social media marketing is a cost-effective way of promoting your brand. Platforms such as Instagram roll out new features from time to time for better user engagement. Take advantage of Instagram stories and other Instagram features to take your brand to the next level.

• Share Regularly and Share Interesting Things

Stories attract attention. You can share your posts as Stories, you can share behind the scenes content in Stories, and most importantly you can share videos as Stories. The key is being consistent, knowing that in 24 hours that content is gone (unless you add it to a Highlight). So be regular and consistent in curating content via Stories, ask engaging questions that invite engagement, and use relevant hashtags.

Stories are an important part of Instagram as a growth service and are no longer a side option. Instagram stories and especially Instagram stories videos are getting as many views as the feed and is an important aspect of Instagram marketing.