Tips to Turn Instagram Followers into Paying Customers

Turn Instagram followers into paying customers.

Establishing a reputable brand presence on social platforms is challenging. Especially as every platform presents unique ways of engaging with potential customers. Instagram is the best way to build your following through creative marketing campaigns and good customer experience, Hypeplanner is a related tool you can see for more resources. Obviously, having a large following will help grow your business and allow you to generate more revenue.

Unfortunately, converting your Instagram followers into paying customers is not an easy task. Especially with the slim intersection between engaged followers and conversion opportunities. That said, below are effective strategies for converting your Instagram followers into active customers.

1. Use Instagram Direct to Establish Personal Connections

Popularly known as DM’s, Instagram direct messages allow brands to connect with their customers personally through private messages. You can send marketing texts or multimedia messages to a maximum of 15 followers simultaneously. While using Instagram direct messages is pretty obvious, you might not know how to drive sales using these messages. Use the following tips to drive sales using Instagram direct;

Offer promo codes.

Consider sending product images or sharing promo codes to your followers through direct messages. Unfortunately, Instagram direct doesn’t allow sharing of embedded clickable links. However, you can send links as individual messages. Entice your followers to take advantage of promo codes to make purchases by including a time limit for quick response.

Host contests.

Contests provide an excellent opportunity to convert Instagram followers into paying customers. The allure of Instagram contests is using them right before revealing your products/services for sale. Like promo codes, use direct messages to spice things up. For instance, you can announce that the first 30 people to comment on your recent post will receive a direct message guiding them on how to participate in the contest.

Use AI tools to run drip campaigns.

Instead of typing new messages to all your followers, tools like Mobile Monkey can help in sending engaging messages. For instance, you can automate messages that welcome new followers. Or, ones that thank your followers for mentioning your brand. You can even use them to respond to direct messages.

2. Make Purchasing Easy With Shoppable Instagram

Unlike before, shoppable Instagram tools have made it easy to create an eCommerce-like experience on your Instagram profile. Integrating the right tools can help in creating an excellent customer experience. With this, followers get to explore various features of your products and complete purchases with a few clicks.

Since Instagram allows users to promote one link on their bio, these tools come in handy as they help you avoid the distracting “click link on bio” caption. That said, some of the best shoppable Instagram tools include;

  • Bazaar Voice
  • Later’s
  • Link2Buy

Apart from these third-party tools, Instagram also features shoppable posts. This is a great internal tool. With shoppable posts, you can add product promotions to images, add links to your reels, and tag videos. Product tags make it easy for your followers to buy products from your eCommerce store from the platform.

3. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a marketing trend that is currently valued at more than $13 million. Apart from Facebook, influencer marketing performs well on Instagram, and you should leverage it fully. Besides driving sales, influencers can also help improve your brand awareness and boost brand reliability.
However, you need several tactics to leverage influencer marketing successfully. For instance, you should choose the right influencers, find unique ways for influencers to demonstrate your products, host Instagram takeover, and work with micro-influencers.


Revenue generated from your social platforms is as important as income generated from your eCommerce store. With the right tactics, Instagram is an invaluable platform that can help you improve your social media sales and turn those viewers into paying customers.