Is Your Website Losing Money?


You have a website for a reason… to get leads and make money. But what if your current website is losing money for you? Here are some things you need to know to make sure your website gives your customers and potential customers the best user experience possible.

1. Make sure your website content is relevant to your service or product.

At the very least, make sure your home page is relevant. Make sure your pages aren’t cluttered. Don’t add a bunch of information about additional products or services. Stay with your main product or line of products so that people can clearly see what you’re selling.

2. Optimize your site not only for keywords, but also for customer experience and conversion.

Make sure the action you want your potential customers to take is easy to see, understand and use. Mobile is becoming a big player in search engine ranking make sure your website passes the Google mobile website tests.

3. Use testing to boost leads and sales.

4. Test your CTA (call to action), and you could see a rise in your bottom line.

Make your CTA easy and quick to see and use.

5. You may currently be using too many images, fonts or colors on your website.

Less is more. Keep your fonts to a minimum, no more than 3 different fonts on a site. You can use bolding and colors to emphasize important with your minimal fonts.

Test, Test, Test! You don’t want your website losing money for you. If you have any questions about testing or optimizing your site, please feel free to ask in the comments below.


Thanks to our friends at for sharing this infographic with us.