Social Media Updates: The Perfect Length

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I don’t know about you, but I like to get the most benefit from the time I spend on social media. So when I found this infographic I was very pleased. It spells out the length of ideal social media update on just about every type of social media, with a couple of extra’s thrown in.

I’m surprised to see Facebook posts with 40 characters get 86% more engagement than longer posts? I guess short, sweet and to the point is true for Facebook also.

Google Plus posts optimal character length is 60 characters … the 20 character difference between Facebook and Google+ is interesting. Do G+ readers have longer attention spans?

Best length for a Tweet? 100 characters or less. It’s interesting that a Facebook post should be shorter than a Tweet.

Then come LinkedIn posts. According to this graphic from SumAll, if your marketing to businesses the optimal length of your LinkedIn post is 16-21 words. If you’re marketing to consumers, your best length is 21-25 words.


Thanks to Buffer for first posting this infographic. Here’s the full post.

What is your opinion on the post lengths this infographic is suggesting and what have you found that works?