Blog Archives
Assess Current Traffic And Build An Improvement Plan
The desire of every website owner is to get visits without using ads to drive views. The goal is to turn up on page 1 of a Google search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and loading your site with paid backlinks are a traditional strategy. Nowadays, these aren’t a long-term strategy. The algorithm that Google uses […]
How to Write the Best Article Headlines
Believe it or not, the title or headline of your article is the most important part. Did you know that out of all the people who read your headline, only 20% will click through and read the article? That number increases and decreases depending on how compelling your headline is. Check out this great […]
New Resource Center Blog for Permalatt Products
Permalatt Products, Inc. has officially launched their new Resource Center (blog site) developed by Digital Hill. Permalatt came to Digital Hill with the problem of low traffic volumes for their website, which in turn meant fewer leads and sales. The Digital Hill team developed a digital marketing strategy, of which a large piece of that strategy was to create a resource […]
New Responsive Website for Miller Brother Builders
Digital Hill Multimedia Inc. is excited to announce the release of a new responsive website for Miller Brother Builders. The company Miller Brothers Builders now has a fresh and newly designed website for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Miller Brother Builders came to Digital Hill with the need to reach the mobile phone and tablet device audience, and […]