mobile apps Archives

Why financial businesses need a banking app
Today’s world of technology and finance is ever evolving. Therefore, financial businesses must adapt quickly to this digital era if they hope to survive the fiercely competitive financial sector. A banking app has long since become essential to success. Here’s why. To enhance customer experience Customers expect more from banking apps in today’s digital era, not only […]

New iOS and Android App Launched for Barletta Pontoon Boats
Need an app for your business? We just created a iOS and Android App for Barletta Pontoon boats. See all the great features and how it helps this business.

Login With Facebook? 4 Ways to Connect Your App To Social Media
If your app isn't easy to use people won't use it. Connect your app to social media to make it easy for your users to register and share.

PicWhack Mobile App Development!
The ultimate social gaming experience using your smartphone camera to create a competitive and interactive game among your friends and family. Finally! A fun and safe way to whack your friends! Apple iTunes Link Google Play Link The PicWhack Story Digital Hill was approached to develop a mobile game, which is a mobile app that has […]

Mobile Apps for Business
The statistics continue to astound… 90% of American adults have a cell phone (Pew Research 1/2014), As of the end of September, 72% of U.S. mobile users have a smartphone (comScore Report). We have become a mobile computing society. For businesses, this means there is an important need to consider how to reach and do […]