Top WordPress Plugins to Improve SEO


WordPress plugins to improve SEO. SEO (search engine optimization) plays a significant role in attracting traffic to your website, the ranking of your site, and the general effectiveness of the website. It’s crucial to ensure that your site is SEO optimized if you want to get the best results. There are various tools that a business can utilize on a WordPress site to make it more SEO friendly. SEO can improve marketing and sales campaigns for businesses by creating a higher level of awareness.

5 of the best WordPress plugins to improve SEO

1. Yoast SEO

The WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is a great tool that offers SEO solutions for websites. The plugin allows you to add keywords, metadata, meta descriptions, and also tag pages. Yoast SEO can analyze a page and offer recommendations on what’s right and wrong. There is a checker that rates the keyword density, keyword placement, metadata description, word count, and the overall performance of the page. The checker highlights the areas that need a little tweaking to improve the performance of the page.

2. Google Keyword Planner

Keywords are useful in ensuring a page is SEO optimized and gets a front-page ranking during a search. The keywords change daily, and it may require some creativity in finding unique keywords for your business niche. The Google keyword planner generates viable keywords for specific uses, and it is free to use. The keywords are usually relevant and ranked depending on their appearance in user searches on Google. Google is the biggest search engine on the web and can offer vital data concerning the latest and trending keywords.

3. All in One SEO Pack

The All in One SEO Pack is a beautiful alternative for the Yoast SEO plugin. A plugin is a useful tool in providing solutions for SEO challenges, whether big or small. The best feature of the All in One SEO plugin is that it requires no experience for someone to use it. You just need to set up the parameters you want for your SEO goals, and the plugin will meet them. You can optimize titles, meta descriptions, avoid content duplication, generate META tags, and change settings depending on your company’s needs.

4. Broken link checker

Adding links to blogs or pages increases traffic from other sources and creates a network of other sites that can link to your site. However, sometimes, relationships can be broken, and it can be hard to notice. A broken link checker checks whether the links on the website are working correctly. The broken links are highlighted for changes, so it is easy and clear to fix. A broken link checker is useful in monitoring the integrity of links as a site grows over the years. It makes it easy to manage posts, pages, comments, and custom links without manually checking each link regularly.

5. W3 Total Cache

Did you know that speed is important for SEO and Google search ranking? Often times this is overlooked but it is a Google ranking factor and should be taken seriously. W3 Total Cache helps speed up the loading of your site from a cache and therefore is a powerful and easy way to improve your SEO.  With this free plugin, you can take seconds off your page load times in many cases.

To Conclude

Using WordPress plugins to create an SEO optimized site is a strategic tactic to generate traffic to a company website and create customer awareness. It would be suicide for a company not to optimize the content on their website. The value that SEO adds to a company should not be ignored; instead, it should be utilized to increase the company’s bottom line and brand awareness. 

Need help getting your website SEO up to snuff? Contact us today!