WordPress Website for Indiana: Borkholder Furniture


Our newest website project, BorkholderFurniture.com, was developed to fulfill several goals for this small business.

Our design gave the brand a professional digital presence that attracts new and current customers and provides the information needed to make purchases.

A Flexible WordPress Website

WordPress is the software we chose for this site redesign. It allows Borkholder Furniture to add new content to their site without specialized coding skills. It’s flexible and can support their current and future website needs. It’s search engine friendly and helps this small business show up in searches.

Comprehensive FAQ Section

Customer support can take time and resources. We created an extensive FAQ section that gives people answers to their questions quickly. This self-help service approach reduces the workload on staff. It’s also a boon for the search engine. People search for the information the FAQ’s answer.

Robust Search Option

The robust search feature is another way we improved the usability of BorkholderFurniture.com. Website visitors can find the most appropriate results quickly. They don’t need to spend a lot of time clicking around the site to find what they need right away.

User-Friendly Navigation

The primary navigation is split into two menus. The top menu focuses on what potential customers would most likely look for. They can select the type of furniture, view entire collections or learn about the process for creating custom furniture.

The second navigation menu contains information that’s not directly related to a product purchase. It includes the FAQ’s, the blog, store locations, testimonials and the business contact page.

As a result, by dividing the navigation, more sales-centric information is shown at the beginning of the page. If someone wants to learn more, they simply to go down to the next menu to get answers to their questions.

Segmented Home Page

Website visitors can choose the furniture category that fits their needs. Therefore, no more searching through information that’s not relevant. Instead, get to exactly what you want easily and quickly.

Now the business owner can look at their website analytics to see which categories get the most traffic and clicks. It’s a great way to see what items are popular and draw people in.

Video Page

This page has videos that keep customers on the page during their decision-making process. While the videos are hosted on Youtube channel, website visitors stay on the site to watch them.


In conclusion, we are happy with how this site looks and functions. As well, we are proud we could help this small local business with their digital marketing.

Need a website? Contact us.