Local Business Website Design: SelectSewingService.com

constanLocal Business Website Design: SelectSewingService.com

Introducing Digital Hill’s newest website build. www.SelectSewingService.com.

Select Sewing Service is a company that connects consumers with various sewing products, machines, and classes in the greater Indianapolis area. The website’s design reflects the business with a creative, stitched theme throughout the web pages.

Website Design Features:

  • Photo Gallery – A photo gallery is a clean and efficient way of introducing potential customers to the site while showcasing the business visually. The site’s 2 galleries display the business’s operations, machines, workers, and projects, providing an intimate look into the company while adding interesting visual elements to the site.
  • CMS System – A CMS system makes updating and maintaining content a breeze. All content comes under a site admin’s control as you modify, create, or delete text, images, and pages and alter navigation on the site. Digital Hill’s CMS has built-in SEO tools. It’s easy to add keywords and meta descriptions for SEO optimization. This gives the company power to update the site at any time. Therefore allowing web visitors to have access to the latest information.
  • Mobile Responsiveness – Selectsewingservice.com can be accessed by audiences on desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets with its responsive design. Mobile responsiveness gives a modern fluidity to images and text on a site. The same site can be “spread” across multiple devices and retain a cohesive look. Improved user experience makes a website easier to read and quicker to browse. The new site will not lose potential leads due to the inflexibility of a static web page.
  • Blog Resource Center – Blogs keep customers notified about products and new information and keeps the content updated. It makes the site resource-rich.  Non-customers who peruse the blog can gain insight about the company’s niche and may begin trusting the company. Blog posts are a great opportunity to demonstrate the expertise and authority that will set your business apart.

Lead Capture Tools:

  • Waftio for Lead Capture – A Waftio widget lies at the bottom right-hand corner of the website, beckoning visitors to register for the email newsletter. The widget is a convenient lead capture tool that is used site-wide. Upon submission of an email address, the visitor becomes a lead and is added to their email marketing list. For this particular site, a slide in form is incorporated at the bottom left-hand corner. Its green color contrasts with the primary purple and white colors to grab attention. Because it is not a traditional pop-up, it is less obtrusive.

Digital Hill’s newest website has features that make the site pleasant for both the visitor and the site owners. Select Sewing Service’s site is professional, clean, responsive, and ready to capture more leads for one of Indianapolis’s long-running small businesses.




