Successfully Outsourcing Your Social Media [Blab]

Successfully Outsourcing Your Social Media - 315

To increase your business customer base and spread the word about products and services, savvy businesses are using social media. From snail mail and emails to tweeting and posting on Facebook, there are many ways for business owners to market their business and reach both potential customers, and those who have been loyal customers. Social media comes easy to some people, but for others, it can be painful, so outsourcing can be a good option.

If you’re outsourcing your social media, here are a few things to consider …

What are other people saying?

It only takes a couple clicks of the mouse to discover what type of company you’re considering to help you with your social media. Do they have a website, is it professional?  Who else have they worked with?  What are people saying about them and their work?

Check out their OWN social media networks.  If they say they “do” social but have few fans and poor posts, don’t count on yours being handled any better!  Are they using images, video, and creativity in their posts?  You may be able to answer most of these questions with internet searches.

What’s the plan?

Once you’ve narrowed your search to the 2 or 3 most qualified to help your business, look at your goal and how the company can help you achieve this goal? To make sure goals are continually being met, everyone needs to know their role, what their duties involve and how success will be measured. How frequently will they post?  Will they schedule ahead?  Do you want to review posts?  What will be the times of day and the type of posts? Map out a plan!  A bit of work ahead of time can help big time later on!

Who will be the communicator?

The person you hire to post on social media needs to be informed about what’s going on in your company, your company “voice” and “style”, and be kept abreast of any news worth sharing. Pick someone from your team to update this person so they’ll always be in the know. You need a specific contact liaison to your social media person. Ideally someone comfortable with quick, mobile communication.

What mistakes do people make when outsourcing?

Along with not asking good questions, people often hire too fast or hire someone based on cost. It’s rare that the first person or company you hire on lowest price provides the results you want and need! You get what you pay for. You want quality and professionalism. You can’t hire a teenager to manage your business social the majority of the time!

Business relationships can be stressful, but the connection should be natural, not forced. The goal is to be successful at outsourcing your social media. It will require someone who can engage your audience, bring in business and highlight your company’s best qualities. Even if you have to search awhile, it’ll be worth it when you find the perfect fit.

Here’s the full blab with Jessika and me where we dive into more details. Enjoy!

Remember, you can join Jessika and me live on Blab every Tuesday afternoon at 4pm for Magnet Marketer Blab videocast online.