social media apps Archives

Is X Premium Worth It for Businesses?

Join us as we explore the features offered by X Premium. And how to decide if it's worth the price for your business.

Facebook Developing Audio Only Room to Compete with Clubhouse

Audio only chat rooms are getting popular. Reports show that Facebook is developing audio only room, similar to Clubhouse. Learn why.
iPhone showing app store and privacy icons.

How iOS14 Privacy Changes will Affect Social Media Marketing

More permissions and transparency required. Learn about iOS14 Privacy Changes and how it affects social media marketing.
Apps to Help You Rock the Social Scene in 2016 315

Apps to Help You Rock the Social Scene in 2016!

  My blab with Jessica Phillips of Now Marketing was all about apps!  Apps are one of my favorite topics and this blab was no exception.  Apps can help you market efficiently, provide quick support to potential and existing customers via social media, and help you save time and money in various ways. It’s an […]