How to Create Content When You’re Too Busy to Write

How to Create Content when You're too Busy to Write

Creating useful SEO-rich content for your website is valuable but it also can be time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to write a new blog post or article on a fresh concept. Research and planning are often the most laborious steps in creating useful content that will draw your readers in further. Often times this is what causes a business to stop blogging or adding new content to their site.

Think you don’t have the time to plan content creation? Here are 5 tips to help you, no matter how busy you may be, plan and implement excellent content to increase your site’s readership.

Take Simple Notes Whenever You Get an Idea

Ideas may seem like they come far too sparingly in the writing process, leading you to believe you simply don’t have enough time to write informative, SEO-rich content. Ideas don’t need to come to mind only when you’re trying to create content. Whenever you think of something you’d like to blog about, jot it down! This gives you a strong foundation to create the type of content you want, in a fraction of the time.  By jotting down 4-5 ideas, you basically have an outline that you can flush out into a new blog post article.

Write Whatever You Can on Your Mobile Device

Chances are, you use a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device. Cranking out an entire blog post on your phone may not sound like a solid plan, but they’re great for noting useful ideas that come to mind, things you see or read about, or to journal important events that relate to your message. When it’s time to write, compiling and cleaning up what you’ve already written will expedite the writing process.

One of my favorite times to write an article is while I’m traveling. I use Google Docs on iPhone as my word processor software and the microphone for speech recognition to text. I just talk through my blog post. It’s printed out as text and all I have to do is edit, edit, edit for a quick and polished blog post. You can do this on a desktop as well with the speech recognition add-on for Google Docs.

Express Your Personal Experiences Through Your Content

Personal experiences are most likely easier to write than researched, calculated content. Your past successes and failures can give your audience a great deal of insight into their own future endeavors and can greatly increase your odds of attracting new visitors. Writing reviews on products you’ve personally used can also drive traffic to your website and can be written quickly.

Think of Ideas to Write About Constantly

You should, as frequently as possible, think of new ideas to write about. Many of them won’t make it past your mental drawing board, but if at least one manages to your efforts are successful. External input is also a great way to plan a new piece of content. Use the things you’ve seen, read, or people you’ve met for blogging inspiration. Ideas like these make excellent material that can be written in a hurry.  As well, ask your customer service team what questions they get most often.  Those are great articles to write, the one’s that answer the most-asked questions!

Try to Eliminate as Many Distractions as Possible While Writing

You may not realistically be able to turn off your phone for an hour when you’re getting ready to churn out your pre-planned content. It is highly advisable that you turn off Facebook, Twitter, and write where you feel you are focused.

Using these tips can make the content creation process faster and seemingly effortless. Planning and research are 2 of the most time consuming, tedious parts of internet content writing. By already having a loose plan before your fingers hit the keys, you’ll have a great time advantage.