How to Create a Simple Sales Funnel on your Website


Do you want to build a sales funnel on your website so you can start earning money from your digital marketing efforts? Excellent move! Many marketers overlook the importance of building a carefully-thought sales funnel only to regret down the line.

Fortunately, building a high-ROI sales funnel from scratch is possible to do without tremendous effort.  Assuming that you’ve done the groundwork, including identifying and quantifying your prospects, follow the four steps below.

1. Capture the Audience’s Attention with Content

To lure consumers into your funnel, you need to grab their attention. One of the best ways to capture attention on the internet is through exciting, valuable content. This means you need to combine all possible content types; videos, blogs, infographics, and so forth.

Make the content:

  • Irresistible: So that anyone who comes across it wants to not only read to the end but also take action based on the information.
  • SEO optimized: To get maximum reach on search engines. Titles, keywords, and links are just some of the elements you want to focus on.

If you’re willing to spend some money, feel free to run a few ads too. Promoted content on social media plus a couple of Google ads should be enough. Don’t forget to provide CTAs.

2. Send all Leads to a special Landing Page

Don’t make the mistake of sending leads to your homepage; you’ll miss out on tons of sales opportunities. Why? Because that’s not what home pages are designed for! Only landing pages are designed with the sole purpose of capturing leads.

They are:

  • Clutter-free: A landing page only carries an offer and a CTA, full stop. This simplicity and lack of clutter increase conversion potential because of reduced distraction.
  • Focused on just one thing – the campaign: The best landing pages are designed for a single, specific campaign. This makes activities such as follow-up and analytics easier.

Ensure that your landing page is optimized for conversion. This means positioning the offer and CTA strategically as well as choosing the right wording, color schemes, and graphics.

3. Provide a Lead Magnet

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get email contacts without giving your prospects something in return. So, on your landing page, provide a freebie that’ll persuade them to part with their contact information.

Excellent options include:

  • An e-book
  • Buyer guide
  • Free webinar
  • Email course
  • Cheat sheet

Keep in mind though that these freebies work differently for different industries. While an email course might appeal to digital entrepreneurs looking to set up an e-commerce store, it may not interest a consumer looking for a reliable e-retail partner. For this reason, choose your lead magnates wisely.

4. Provide a Small Offer, then the Main Offer

Once you have email contacts of the target customer, the next step is to present them with an offer in their inbox. Experts recommend using two sets of offers. The first one referred to as a front-end offer is a cheap product or service provided solely to create the desire for the main offer. In other words, you’re pre-selling the main product.

The second offer which is the main product is then presented as an upgrade. If the main offer has 20 features, for instance, the front-end offer can have 3 or 4 features. Use strategic pricing to give the impression that buying the main product offers more value than opting for the stripped-down alternative.

That’s it!

You now have a working sales funnel. All that’s left is to find ways to capture more leads and update/upgrade your lead magnet and offers as appropriate to get the most sales.

Don’t have time to think through the steps for your business?  Or maybe implementing this is something you’d prefer to delegate?  Contact us today to allow us to strategize and implement the digital marketing plan that can work for you.