Facebook Page Archives

6 Ways to Market your Facebook App Promotion
Need a simple way to market a special offer and grow your end-of-year sales? Facebook apps for contests and deals can be a great way to generate buzz, increase sales, and drive more traffic to your store during the holiday season. The promotion app, whether a photo contest, sweepstakes, coupon deal offer, or others (Holiday […]
Great New App for Facebook Pages from TabSite
Our team at TabSite continues to roll-out innovative products and apps for Facebook pages! TabSite today announced a new custom social engagement application,Website ReSizer, available to businesses and organizations of all sizes. The Website ReSizer Facebook app a solution for every company that spent money investing in their website and then wished they had the same functionality […]
4 Tips to Boost Facebook Page Effectiveness
So you’ve got a Facebook Page (formerly known as Fan Pages), and you’ve got some fans…now what?? The key is regular (not too much, not too little) communication and particularly communication that engages your fans because engagement invites conversation and dialogue, (i.e. further discussion and relationship building!) As well, engagement also means exponential […]
Facebook Ads: Now Offering Friends of Connections Targeting
Just saw this news from Facebook…. They announced today, “Friends of connections Ad targeting.” “Friends of connection” targeting is now available for Facebook Ads. Expand your audience reach by delivering your ads to the friends of people already connected with your Facebook Page, Application, Group or Event. In addition to harnessing the social graph by […]