mobile website Archives
How Mobile Internet Use Impacts Lead Capture on Websites
Increasingly, internet browsing happens on the small screen. Mobile devices are now considered the most popular vehicle for browsing the internet, surpassing desktop web browsing use. This means that it is likely that the first contact prospective buyers have with your site will be facilitated by a mobile device. This growing tide of mobile users […]
Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2
Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]
Responsive Website Redesign for Metalstamp, Inc.
Digital Hill Multimedia Inc. is excited to announce the lunch of the new responsive website redesign for Metalstamp, Inc. Their new website works for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Metalstamp needed to update their web presence and improve search engine optimization (SEO). Their old site was out-of-date which made using and finding information on the site a tedious task. […]
Website and Online Marketing Solution for Pacemaker Buildings
Pacemaker Buildings came to Digital Hill with a common problem, they needed a website and an online marketing solution. Their list of needs and issues included: Website and Online Marketing Issues to be Resolved: Website was not update-able by them Site was not mobile friendly Galleries of completed projects looked dated Website traffic was not […]
Mobile and Tablet Internet Growth: Responsive Website Solutions
Screens are getting smaller….and bigger…and we simply have more of them! The use of the Internet has evolved quickly in the past few years! Gone are the days of only large desktop computers as primary methods to use the Internet. PewResearch outlined 2014 stats on the use of mobile devices and tablets, and the data […]
Responsive Website Design: Size Does Matter!
Pinching out to zoom, then sliding to find and read the area you want to see on a mobile or tablet size screen can be frustrating for the viewer. Responsive design is the answer. If you are not familiar with the term, responsive design is simply a website that responds or adjusts to the size […]
How Mobile is your Website?
Central to a company’s online presence is their website. No longer is the web primarily a place accessed by users on desktop or laptop computers. Now, the majority of web use is via smartphones and mobile devices such as iPads and tablets. This significant shift to smaller, portable and always on-demand web access is forcing […]