Web Design Archives

A New Website Launched_ PureColor-Salon.com 315

PureColor-Salon.com: New Beauty Salon Website Launch

Pure Color Salon has everything clients need to get the latest hairstyle. Located in Goshen, Indiana, Pure Color is an ultra-modern, full-service salon and they needed a website that showcased this. Sharida is Pure Color Salon’s owner and premier stylist, boasting years of experience and extensive training. Her commitment and dedication to her clients and […]
Elevate Your Online Marketing- Using Facebook and Your Website to Increase Traffic and Leads (1)

Elevate Your Online Marketing: Using Facebook and Your Website to Increase Traffic and Leads

In person workshop – Elevate Your Online Marketing The web changes quickly! What was relevant 2 years ago can be old today. Businesses need to stay current if they want to succeed online. Today one of the leaders on social media for business is Facebook. Every major buyer demographic is spending significant time on Facebook every […]
Calls to Action That Get Action 600

Calls to Action That Get Action

Calls to action, (CTA’s) are critical to online marketing success. In simple terms, the call to action is a link, button or even phrase that urges potential customers to take some type of action. For instance, if you send an e-mail newsletter to potential clients, you might add a link that says “Start a free […]
Two Critical Keys for your Business Website Today 600

Two Critical Keys for your Business Website Today

Key #1: Blogging is here to Stay, Make Sure Your Business is too In today’s consumer and information-based economy, a blog is a necessity for any successful business website. Blogs are an effective way to communicate about a product or a service or provide the viewer with important information regarding your industry. When presented with […]
Subscription and Membership Website- NewScienceofSelling.com 600

Subscription and Membership Website: NewScienceofSelling.com

The launch of a new Membership Subscription website Recently Digital Hill created a new membership web system for the New Science of Selling team. The challenge was to create a website that allowed financial advisers to provide confidential services to their clients. Financial advisers can provide better guidance with better information, but the tools for […]
What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do?

What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do?

The business world has changed significantly over the past decade. One of the biggest changes has been a shift in the marketing strategies needed by businesses both large and small. One of the primary reasons for the shift is the popularity and use of the Internet. On a daily basis, the average American uses the […]
6 Myths (and the Truth!) About SEO in 2016 (1)

6 Myths (and the Truth!) About SEO in 2016

Search engine optimization has drastically evolved over the past few years – transitioning from what was once a simple strategy to a sophisticated method of marketing. This evolutionary process has brought a bit of confusion regarding the true rules of SEO. Don’t be confused – I’m here to clear the air around this powerful marketing […]
An Introduction To Waftio

An Introduction To Waftio

A site that doesn’t generate leads is one that’s not performing. By neglecting this aspect of a site, people unwittingly allow their business’s prospects to suffer. If your site is no more that a digital brochure that only functions to provide information concerning the business, it’s time to change. Treat the website as though it’s […]
5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

The New Year is here, and it’s time to make a website action plan for 2016. Taking the time to address key parts of a business website is vital to ensure you’re successful with bigger results down the road. Technology moves fast, and to stay competitive, websites need to keep up with the latest standards. […]
BLAB- If your website doesn't have this you're missing out

Website Keys: If Your Website Doesn’t Have This You’re Missing Out

If your website doesn’t have this, your missing out! Each week on #MagnetMarketers we dive into a 30+ minute topic on digital marketing live via video on a service called Blab. This week we dove into website keys.  Here’s the overview of the discussion presented by co-hosts Jessika Phillips and Mike Gingerich. Website Content No matter the size […]